Blue velvet neocaridina shrimp babies
It was a big change in my personal live. We have got a new baby-girl and that was keeping my busy and away from my shrimps and, of course, from my blog. At the same time, my shrimp colonies are still alive. Not all of them thriving, but in general they are good.
I was exploring my tank with blue velvet shrimps today and was greatly surprised with lots of baby shrimps in a tank. These blue neocaridina guys were handing in a tank for about a year for now and it was no good breeding results.
These is one of the adult blue velvet neocaridina shrimps that I have in the tank.
Recently, I rearranged their aquarium a little. I have removed majority of old plants and especially floating one. They were blocking water current from the filter and produce too much waste by dropping dead leaves. The tank was almost clean for a month and I have been adding Mosura BT-9 bacteria regularly. I think I was the main support for baby-shrimps to survive. I was adding just a little bit of my plants ‘macro fertilization’ and this promoted some algae growth.
These blue velvet shrimps have interesting babies. They are quite different from cherry or any other neocaridina shrimps. The thing is that Blue velvet babies have distinct brown color. I have made some photos in a clear container to show that.
In a tank those little stripes are invisible, but brown coloration is quite noticeable.
At the age of month blue color replaced these brown/reddish stripes. Ok, thank you for reading. I have some funny blue shrimps with red spots on a face, I will try to make photos of some soon.
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