Painted fire red shrimps in pearl grass plants
Posted in April 6, 2014 ¬ 10:17 AMh.Igor Kanshyn
Let me share some more photos I made recently in my 10 gallon painted fire red shrimps (neocaridina davidi) growing tank.
This tank is full of pearl grass plants, look at some shrimps sitting in ‘the bushes’.

Painted fire red shrimps hangs on the plant

Painted fire red shrimps feels great there

Painted fire red shrimp

Painted fire red shrimps feel better in a groups

Painted fire red shrimp on a riccia floating island

Painted fire red shrimp in pearl grass plants

Red shrimps hide in plants

Young painted fire red shrimp

Painted fire red shrimps are walking on plants
Freshwater shrimps, Live Plants, neocaridina davidi, Neocaridina shrimps, Painted Fire Red shrimps, Shrimpdavidi, Freshwater shrimps, heteropoda, neocaridina, painted fire red, planted tank
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